Copernicus Climate Change Service Says 2021 5th Warmest Year on Record

The year 2021 ended up being the fifth warmest on record, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service of the European Union, which dates back to 1979. This conclusion is based on publicly accessible data examined by climate scientist Zeke Hausfather who tweeted his findings, Bloomberg Green reports.

This is one of the first temperature measurements from last year, but it will not be the last. Copernicus Climate Change Service will publish its full findings later this month. NASA, NOAA, the U.K. Met Office, and Berkeley Earth will disclose more global temperature data, which will be based on records dating back to the 19th century. Copernicus officials did not react to requests for comment on information on the agency’s website.

According to Hausfather, a research scientist at Berkley Earth, additional data sources are expected to place 2021 somewhere between the fifth and seventh warmest year on record.

Last year, the average land temperature from June to August was the highest it had ever been. However, in October, a La Nia event, which is a periodic cooling tendency in the Pacific Ocean, came, causing temperatures to drop. This tendency makes winter in the southern United States warmer and has been responsible for floods in Indonesia and Australia.

According to Hausfather’s study of Copernicus Climate Change Service data, it was enough to bring 2021’s average temperature closer to 2018 and 2015. According to Copernicus data, the previous seven years have been the warmest on record, with 21 of the 22 hottest years occurring since 2000.